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We are glad to announce that WON the b-work challenge of the #SHU2018 and took the prize for the “Best Digital Innovator For Entrepreneurship” home.

Digital competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship represent some of the most required competences by the labour market and, therefore, their development is being strongly promoted by the European Union for citizens of all ages and origines. 

We have been selected to participate on the third edition of the Social Hackathon Umbria  that took place the 5–8 of July in Foligno in Italy. The Hackathon was aimed to answer to this priorities by offering training paths of different formats and durations. A call for ideas was launched on three thematic challenges: B-KIDS B-YOUTHS and B-WORK. For each challenge, the two most relevant ideas were selected and developed under the guidance of an expert team manager. 

During the 48 hours Hackathon, teams choose to produce a pitch, a prototype or a product to be presented in front of an international jury. participated on the B-WORK challenge. In a nutshell, we competed against one other international team to build a mobile application promoting better communication and entrepreneurship attitude in ecovillages all over the world.

Further information about our new mobile app for ecovillages will be posted soon.

The full outcomes of this event, as well as the code and the documentation of our application will be shared soon through our site: