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Preparation for the Symposium “Connecting the dots: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation” (Webinar sessions )

As the symposium Connecting the Dots in Estonia (26-28 June 2018) approaches, we are participating in the preparation phase of the symposium, notably, by attending a number of targeted webinars.The aim of these webinars is to introduce most of the tópics that will be further discussed during the symposium and explore some good practices that are already being used by various cross European organisations on the field of digital literacy and digital youth work.

The webinars were divided in four sessions:

  1. The Young people and digitalisation edition focused on how youth interact with the digital world and technologies and on the new competences that are needed to overcome these new challenges.

  2. The Advantages and risks edition reflected on how technology and the digital transformation of societies can be an “enabler” or a “threat” to youth and youth work.

  3. The Social inclusion and digitalisation edition was based on the assumption that young people do not perceive their online and offline worlds as separate entities. They fluidly inhabit both worlds simultaneously, meaning that exclusion in one of them means also feeling excluded on the other.

  4. The Smart youth work edition focused on tree main points: a) smart solutions for young people; b) how to give more know-how to youth workers and professionals; and, c) how to develop quality on youth work.  

 All webinars and some other materials are available online. 

The Symposium will gather up to 120 youth policy makers, researchers, practitioners from youth NGOs and youth work from across the signatory states of the European Cultural Convention, as well as actors from the digital field that work against socio-technical inequalities and exclusion. It will explore how young people and digitalisation interact, reflecting especially on how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect. The outcomes of this event will be shared after the event through our site: